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The Fellowship Men community exists to come alongside men, providing unique opportunities to be encouraged and equipped as they grow together.
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Our men’s ministry is a great place to connect with other men, whether it’s in your same season of life or older or younger men.
Mosaic Men’s Ministry exists to come alongside men, providing unique opportunities to study the Bible, to be encouraged, and the equip them to love others well and live as growing disciples of Jesus in disciple-making communities.
Fall 2024: September 17th - November 19th | Study: BetterMan.com
Fellowship Men meet in Springdale at New Hope Fellowship on Tuesday mornings from 6:30-7:30am. Join us anytime - we’d love to have you!
New Hope Fellowship
850 Gene George Blvd.
Springdale, AR 72762
At the heart of Fellowship’s philosophy of ministry is the conviction that God has called every believer into ministry. There are opportunities to serve within the church, in the community, and in God’s global mission.
Tuesdays | September 10 – November 19 | 6p – 8pm
This class will walk you through the ways that loss and grief will always be a part of your journey. It will give you tools to help you heal and help others to heal in ways that will bring personal freedom to you. Your soul will be touched with the Biblical understanding of grief and the God given way to handle it. Materials will be provided at the first class.